Showing posts with label O LEVEL ENGLISH BOOKS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label O LEVEL ENGLISH BOOKS. Show all posts
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The term literature has many definitions depending on the intention of the
person defining it. Literature can be defined as a work of art which uses
words or language creatively to express and reflect human realities.
Literature can be defined as a mirror to social reality.
Literature cannot be isolated with the origin of man through labour process
associated with the making and using tools.
Human beings had to use language to communicate different issues related
to labour differentiation. Primarily, literature was in oral forms such as songs
(labour songs) myths, fork tales aimed at warning, encouraging hardworking,
criticising evil, and maintaining social value or ethics.
Relationship between language and literature:
Literature and language are indistinguishable /inseparable because:
Literature is created through language. It is called so when language is
used creatively to reflect human realities. Language is the medium or tool of
communication in literature, no language, no literature .It can also be argued
that language develops through the four language skills which are listening,
speaking, writing and reading.
Therefore, literature as a work of art is different from other works of art
such as pottery, sculpture, painting, carving, weaving, because it uses
language creatively to describe or express human experiences and realities.
Generally, there are two types /genres of literature, namely:
1. Oral/old literature
2. Written/ modern literature
Oral/Old Literature
This is the type of literature which is presented through word of mouth from
one generation to another. It is a primary source of literature because it
started before written literature. It was practiced through verbal expressions
from one generation to another. Oral literature originated with human being
as human started to use it in a form of verbal songs, myths, folk tales, epics,
etc. Therefore, oral literature is a foundation of literature even which we use
today i.e. Written literature.
Written /modern literature
This is the type/genre of literature which is expressed in a form of writings. It
started with the invention of writings. It is also called a Secondary source of
literature because it started after oral literature and is a property of literate
and semi-literates.
Written literature has three genres, these are:
1. Novels and short stories
2. Poetry
3. Drama/play
This is a long narrative prose in which characters and actions represents real
life and are portrayed in a complex plot. Examples of novel books are such as
―Passed Like a Shadow‖ written by B. Mapalala, ―Spared‖ written by S.N
Ndunguru, Weep Not Child written by Ngugi Wa Thiong‘o, ―House boy‖
written by Ferdinand Oyono, ―A Wreath for Father Mayer‖ written by S.N.
Short Stories
This is a fiction prose narrative which is shorter than a normal novel and
restricted in characterization and situation. It normally deals with a single
major event. Examples of short stories are from the book titled ―Encounters
from Africa‖ by Macmillan Ltd. The book contains two stories, which are; ‗The
Voter‟ and „The Smile of Fortune‟.
Drama is a literary work written to be performed /acted by actors on a stage
before an audience. The word ―drama‖ means ‗to do‘ or ‗to act‘. It is a story
which involves characters who acts before the audience which gets the
message intended by the playwright. In order to be complete and effective
drama needs actors or players, audience, language (diction), plot, setting,
scenes, actions, etc.
Normally, plays belong to a different genre because they are border than
other genre due to the economical use of words by the playwright. Examples
of play;‗ This Time Tomorrow‘ written by Ngugi wa Thiong‘o ‗An Enemy of the
People written by Henrik Ibsen ―The Black Hermit,‖ Kivuli Kinaishi and ‗The
Lion and The Jewel‘ by Wole Soyinka
Elements of Literature
Literature has two important elements which includes form and content.
FORM: This refers to how a work or art is structured (how something is
arranged or said). Form includes PLOT, STYLE/TECHNIQUES, SETTING,
Plot: This refers to how events are arranged in a novel /play. It shows
how events are arranged in an artistic way through conflict which can be
moral or personal or physical conflict.
Style/ technique: This refers to the way the work of art is
made/composed. Style can be narrative where by an author accounts a story.
It can also be part of the oral tradition which story is told in traditional styles
such as a long a time ago……….., for many years ago……….. Style can also
be straight forward where by events are narrated from what happened or
takes place at the beginning to an end of the novel. We also have flashback
techniques whereby an author may narrate events by moving back then
forward through time. . Example of a book in which the author employed a
flashback technique is ‗Betrayal in the City ‗by Frances Imbuga. Under
technique style we also have a point of view, this refer to how events are
observed. Depending on who sees the action and who tells the story. A story
can be told from an omniscient point of view whereby the narrator is not
known and has access to characters' thoughts feelings and all events. Third
person point of view is used when the author describes his/her characters
depending on what he sees, hears or thinks and the first person point of view
uses 'I" and the author describes only what can be seen, heard or thought by
a single character.
SETTING: This refers to environment or the immediate world in which
the events in a story takes place. It includes time, culture and place. Setting it can be really or imaginary setting .
For example setting of this play ‗‘ This Time Tomorrow‘‘ is Kenya after
independence and the setting of a book 'Betrayal in the City' is the Kafira
state in Africa hence imagery since we have no such state in Africa.
Characterization: Is the description of characters in a story.
Characterization refers to the creation of an imaginary person to exist as a
lifelike human for the readers. A good writer always strives to create
believable characters. We know a character by examining what she/he
thinks, says/does and what other character say about him or her life in
general. Character can be main/major /central character; that appears mostly
in every page of the book or narrative and plays a big role to the portrayal of
the intended message by the author. Character can also be minor. These
appear few times or very scarcely in a work of art. They assist the main
character in accomplishing some message to the reader(s).
Language, diction: Refers to the choice and arrangement of words in
a literary work .We examine whether the language used is simple , complex,
mixed, grammatical, or ungrammatical , normal ,or figurative language.
A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning other than the
literal meaning.
A figure of speech is a rhetorical device that achieves a special effect by
using words in a distinctive way. Figures can help our readers understand
and stay interested in what we have to say.
There are many different types of figures of speech in the English language.
These are some of the most commonly used.
Personification is a figure of speech in which a thing – an idea or an animal –
is given human attributes. The non-human objects are portrayed in such a
way that we feel they have the ability to act like human beings. For example,
when we say, ―The sky weeps,‖ we are giving the sky the ability to cry, which
is a human quality. Thus, we can say that the sky has been personified in the
given sentence.
Common Examples
The wind whispered through dry grass.
The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.
The fire swallowed the entire forest.
The shadow of the moon danced on the lake.
The flowers were blooming, and the bees kissed them every now and
The skyscraper was so tall that it seemed to kiss the sky.
The ship danced over the undulating waves of the ocean.
When he sat the test, the words and the ideas fled from his mind.
Alliteration is derived from Latin‘s ―Latira‖. It means ―letters of alphabet‖. It is a
stylistic device in which a number of words, having the same first consonant
sound, occur close together in a series.
Consider the following examples:
But a better butter makes a batter better.
A big bully beats a baby boy.
Both sentences are alliterative because the same first letter of words (B)
occurs close together and produces alliteration in the sentence.
An important point to remember here is that alliteration does not depend
on letters but on sounds. So the phrase not knotty is alliterative, but cigarette
chase is not.
―The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
The furrow followed free;
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.‖
In the above lines we see alliteration (―b‖, ―f‖ and ―s‖) in the phrases ―breeze
blew‖, ―foam flew‖, ―furrow followed‖, and ―silent sea‖.
Archaism is the derivative of a Greek word, archaïkós, which means
beginning or ancient. It is a figure of speech in which a used phrase or word
is considered very old fashioned and outdated.. It is the use of older versions
of language and art. Such as in these lines, ―To thine own self be true‖
(Hamlet by William Shakespeare). Sentences that may be considered as
examples of archaism will most probably contain the words ―thine‖ and ―thou‖.
Evolution of Archaism
The English language which Shakespeare has written and spoken is very
different from the English which is used today. The use of archaic language
were found in the literary works of ancient medieval ages, as well as in the
Victorian, Edwardian, 19th and 20th centuries.
Examples of Archaism from Literature
Archaism examples are found in the masterpieces of Shakespeare, S.T.
Coleridge, Hemingway, and Keats.
It is an ancient Mariner,
And he stoppeth one of three.
‗By thy long grey beard and glittering eye,
Now wherefore stopp‘st thou me?
He holds him with his skinny hand,
‗There was a ship,‘ quoth he.
‗Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!‘
Eftsoons his hand dropthe
‗I fear thy skinny hand!….
I fear thee and thy glittering eye,
And thy skinny hand, so brown.‘—
Fear not, fear not, thou Wedding-Guest!
This body dropt not down…
Assonance takes place when two or more words, close to one another repeat
the same vowel sound, but start with different consonant sounds.
For instance, in the following sentence:
―Men sell the wedding bells.‖
The same vowel sound of the short vowel ―-e-‖ repeats itself in almost all the
words, excluding the definite article.
Common Assonance Examples
We light fire on the mountain.
I feel depressed and wrestle
Go and mow the lawn.
Johnny went here and there and everywhere
The engineer held the steering to steer the vehicle.
Consonance refers to repetitive sounds produced by consonants within a
sentence or phrase.
For instance, the words chuckle, fickle, and kick are consonant with the
same consonant „ck „
Hyperbole, derived from a Greek word meaning ―over-casting,‖ is a figure of
speech that involves an exaggeration of ideas for the sake of emphasis.
Therefore, a hyperbole is an unreal exaggeration to emphasize the real
Common Examples of Hyperbole
My grandmother is as old as the hills.
She is as heavy as an elephant!
I am trying to solve a million issues these days.
I will love you dear until China and Africa meet.
The blacksmith‘s hand was harder than the rock.
His classmates laughed at him, saying he had a pea-sized brain.
Metaphor is a figure of speech that makes comparison between two things
that are unrelated, but which share some common characteristics without
using conjunctions e.g. like, as etc
Examples of Metaphors
My brother was boiling mad. (This implies he was too angry.)
The assignment was a breeze. (This implies that the assignment
was not difficult.)
Her voice is music to his ears. (This implies that her voice makes
him feel happy)
Maria is an angel of Mwanza.
Melina‘s face is a map of Africa.
A simile is a figure of speech that makes comparison between two things that
are unrelated, but which share some common characteristics by using
conjunctions e.g. like, as etc
Common Examples of Simile
Our soldiers are as brave as lions.
He is as funny as a monkey.
The water well was as dry as a bone.
At exam time, the high school student was as busy as a bee.
The beggar on the road looked as blind as a bat.
The diplomat said the friendship of the two countries was as deep as
an ocean.
The audience listened to his spellbinding speech as quietly as mice.
The history paper was as tricky as a labyrinth.
The boys in the playing field were feeling as happy as dogs with two
The term euphemism refers to polite, indirect expressions which replace
words and phrases considered harsh and impolite or which suggest
something unpleasant.
For example, ―kick the bucket‖ is a euphemism that describes the death of a
Examples in Everyday Life
You are becoming a little thin on top (bald).
Our teacher is in the family way (pregnant).
He is always economical in truth (liar).
We do not hire mentally challenged (stupid) people.
He is a special child (disabled or retarded).
Sarcasm is derived from French word sarcasmor and also from a Greek
word sarkazein that means ―tear flesh‖ or ―grind the teeth‖. Somehow, in
simple words it means to speak bitterly.
Sarcasm is a literary and rhetorical device that is meant to mock with often
satirical or ironic remarks with a purpose to amuse and hurt someone. It gives
the meaning which is different from what the speaker intends to say.
For instance:
―I didn‘t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of
it.‖ (Mark Twain)
―Friends, countrymen, lend me your ears.‖
(Julius Caesar by Shakespeare)
Satire is a technique employed by writers to expose and criticize foolishness
and corruption of an individual or a society by
using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule. It intends to improve their
characters by overcoming their weaknesses.
Examples of Satire in Everyday Life
Most political cartoons which we witness every day in newspapers and
magazines are examples of satire. These cartoons criticize some recent
actions of political figures in a comical way.
Some shows on television are satire examples like The Daily Show, The
Colbert Report, and The Larry Sanders Show. These shows claim to target
what they think are stupid political and social viewpoints.
Let us see a sample of Stephen Colbert‘s social satire:
―If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn‘t help the poor, either we
have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we‘ve got to
acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy
without condition and then admit that we just don‘t want to do it.‖
Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their
intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words.. In
simple words, it is a difference between appearance and reality.
Types of Irony
On the grounds of the above definition, we distinguish two basic types of
irony: (1) verbal irony, and (2) situational irony.
Verbal irony involves what one does not mean. For example, when in
response to a foolish idea, we say, ―What a great idea!‖ This is verbal irony.
Situational irony occurs when, for instance, a man is chuckling at the
misfortune of another, even when the same misfortune is, unbeknownst to
him, befalling him.
Common Examples of Irony
Let us analyze some interesting examples of irony from our daily life:
You laugh at a person who slipped stepping on a banana peel, and the
next thing you know, you‘ve slipped too.
―Oh great! Now you have broken my new camera.‖
Short Examples of Verbal Irony
The doctor is as kind hearted as a wolf.
His friend‘s hand was as soft as a rock.
The student was given ‗excellent‘ on getting zero in the exam.
He enjoyed his job about as much as a root canal.
A vehicle was parked right in front of the no-parking sign.
The CEO of a big tobacco company said he did not smoke.
Synecdoche is when a part represents the whole or the whole is represented
by a part. Examples are:
Wheels - a car
The police - one policeman
Coke - any cola drink
Army - a soldier
Content: Refers to the main subject of a literary work presented in a written
or spoken form. It also refers to what is being conveyed in a speech, an
article or a certain program. Content includes the following elements:
Themes, message, conflicts, climax, crisis and philosophy.
Theme: This refers to the major idea or subject contained in a work of
art. It is represented through persons, actions, or concepts in a literary work.
It may also refer to the major topic obscured and reflected or describe in the
book. In Africa literature the main themes are such as corruption, position and
role of women, irresponsibility, betrayal and African traditional, belief, poverty.
Other minor themes can be alienation, protest, oppression, and humiliation,
sacrifice, class struggle.
Message: This refers to the lesson we get after reading a work of art. .
Example; is the play ‗This Time Tomorrow‘ we learn that, unity and solidarity
is important for the liberation of the oppressed and humiliated society.
Conflict: This refers to the clash or opposition between one idea,
thought or feeling and another, one person and another or conflict within an
individual person. Conflict can be because of economic conflict, social
conflict, political, personal or philosophical conflict between one idea and
feelings and another.
Climax: This is a stage in which conflict reaches the higher point where
resolution is inevitable or necessary.
Crisis: This is a point where conflict rises and causes some problems
to the person or people involved and therefore, resolution is necessary. There
may be different crisis each proceed the climax.
Philosophy: Refers to the belief or outlook of the author which he/she
expresses in the book/story.
General Themes of Literature
Literature is not written in a vacuum, it emanates from a society to reflect its
social, political, economic, as well as cultural aspects. Therefore, literature
has a direct connection to human life and thus, it cannot be separated from
human beings. The following are some of the important roles and functions of
Literature criticizes societies. Authors of a literary work criticize society
by revealing corruption, oppression, and humiliation, and inequality.
Literature expresses people‘s culture. This includes norms, values,
traditional, and, practices so that people can follow them. It can also makes
people abandon some bad cultural practiced such as female genital
mutilation (FGM) for positive changes.
Literature educates people: it educates people about day to day
happenings or events in their society. It widens their mind and thinking
Literature entertains people; people enjoy by watching and reading
different works which appeal to their state of mind.
Literature is a tool of liberation. It makes people know the presence of
exploitation, irresponsibility, it direct people to struggle for mental and
physical liberation against these problems.
Literature develops language because language is a tool or medium of
communication in literature.
POETRY: is a genre of literature which expresses the feelings, ideas, and
emotions of the reader(s) or hearer(s). The language used in poetry is
characterized by imagery and rhythmical sounds.
Terms related to poetry
Poem: This is a piece of writing in a verse form which expresses the
deep feelings using artistic language.
Persona: This refers to a character in a poem.
Poet/poetess: This refers to a man or woman who composes an oral
or written poem.
Verse: This is a simple line in a poem.
Stanza: Is a combination or collection of verses to make a complete
idea of a poem.
How poetry differs from other genres of literature?
The genre of poetry differs from other genres of literature like prose in the
following aspects:
1. Poetry uses much imagery which appeals to the sense of touch,
hearing, small and taste in a more concentrated way than prose.
2. Poetry is arranged in verse which forms stanzas to make a poem
as whole while prose is written in sentences and paragraphs.
3. Poetry employs the use of much musical features such as rhyme
and rhythm unlike to novels and Short stories which words are intended
to be read silently not loud or sung or recited.
4. Poetry employs language economy. Few words convey such
information. This is because even single word in poetry may hear a
number of messages.
5. Poetry uses many figures of speech such as simile metaphor
personification etc. than other Prose.
6. The character in a poem is called persona but in novel and play a
character does not possess a name.
Written by Seleman M. Kajana
CONTACT 0766495166
The term literature has many definitions depending on the intention of the
person defining it. Literature can be defined as a work of art which uses
words or language creatively to express and reflect human realities.
Literature can be defined as a mirror to social reality.
Literature cannot be isolated with the origin of man through labour process
associated with the making and using tools.
Human beings had to use language to communicate different issues related
to labour differentiation. Primarily, literature was in oral forms such as songs
(labour songs) myths, fork tales aimed at warning, encouraging hardworking,
criticising evil, and maintaining social value or ethics.
Relationship between language and literature:
Literature and language are indistinguishable /inseparable because:
Literature is created through language. It is called so when language is
used creatively to reflect human realities. Language is the medium or tool of
communication in literature, no language, no literature .It can also be argued
that language develops through the four language skills which are listening,
speaking, writing and reading.
Therefore, literature as a work of art is different from other works of art
such as pottery, sculpture, painting, carving, weaving, because it uses
language creatively to describe or express human experiences and realities.
Generally, there are two types /genres of literature, namely:
1. Oral/old literature
2. Written/ modern literature
Oral/Old Literature
This is the type of literature which is presented through word of mouth from
one generation to another. It is a primary source of literature because it
started before written literature. It was practiced through verbal expressions
from one generation to another. Oral literature originated with human being
as human started to use it in a form of verbal songs, myths, folk tales, epics,
etc. Therefore, oral literature is a foundation of literature even which we use
today i.e. Written literature.
Written /modern literature
This is the type/genre of literature which is expressed in a form of writings. It
started with the invention of writings. It is also called a Secondary source of
literature because it started after oral literature and is a property of literate
and semi-literates.
Written literature has three genres, these are:
1. Novels and short stories
2. Poetry
3. Drama/play
This is a long narrative prose in which characters and actions represents real
life and are portrayed in a complex plot. Examples of novel books are such as
―Passed Like a Shadow‖ written by B. Mapalala, ―Spared‖ written by S.N
Ndunguru, Weep Not Child written by Ngugi Wa Thiong‘o, ―House boy‖
written by Ferdinand Oyono, ―A Wreath for Father Mayer‖ written by S.N.
Short Stories
This is a fiction prose narrative which is shorter than a normal novel and
restricted in characterization and situation. It normally deals with a single
major event. Examples of short stories are from the book titled ―Encounters
from Africa‖ by Macmillan Ltd. The book contains two stories, which are; ‗The
Voter‟ and „The Smile of Fortune‟.
Drama is a literary work written to be performed /acted by actors on a stage
before an audience. The word ―drama‖ means ‗to do‘ or ‗to act‘. It is a story
which involves characters who acts before the audience which gets the
message intended by the playwright. In order to be complete and effective
drama needs actors or players, audience, language (diction), plot, setting,
scenes, actions, etc.
Normally, plays belong to a different genre because they are border than
other genre due to the economical use of words by the playwright. Examples
of play;‗ This Time Tomorrow‘ written by Ngugi wa Thiong‘o ‗An Enemy of the
People written by Henrik Ibsen ―The Black Hermit,‖ Kivuli Kinaishi and ‗The
Lion and The Jewel‘ by Wole Soyinka
Elements of Literature
Literature has two important elements which includes form and content.
FORM: This refers to how a work or art is structured (how something is
arranged or said). Form includes PLOT, STYLE/TECHNIQUES, SETTING,
Plot: This refers to how events are arranged in a novel /play. It shows
how events are arranged in an artistic way through conflict which can be
moral or personal or physical conflict.
Style/ technique: This refers to the way the work of art is
made/composed. Style can be narrative where by an author accounts a story.
It can also be part of the oral tradition which story is told in traditional styles
such as a long a time ago……….., for many years ago……….. Style can also
be straight forward where by events are narrated from what happened or
takes place at the beginning to an end of the novel. We also have flashback
techniques whereby an author may narrate events by moving back then
forward through time. . Example of a book in which the author employed a
flashback technique is ‗Betrayal in the City ‗by Frances Imbuga. Under
technique style we also have a point of view, this refer to how events are
observed. Depending on who sees the action and who tells the story. A story
can be told from an omniscient point of view whereby the narrator is not
known and has access to characters' thoughts feelings and all events. Third
person point of view is used when the author describes his/her characters
depending on what he sees, hears or thinks and the first person point of view
uses 'I" and the author describes only what can be seen, heard or thought by
a single character.
SETTING: This refers to environment or the immediate world in which
the events in a story takes place. It includes time, culture and place. Setting it can be really or imaginary setting .
For example setting of this play ‗‘ This Time Tomorrow‘‘ is Kenya after
independence and the setting of a book 'Betrayal in the City' is the Kafira
state in Africa hence imagery since we have no such state in Africa.
Characterization: Is the description of characters in a story.
Characterization refers to the creation of an imaginary person to exist as a
lifelike human for the readers. A good writer always strives to create
believable characters. We know a character by examining what she/he
thinks, says/does and what other character say about him or her life in
general. Character can be main/major /central character; that appears mostly
in every page of the book or narrative and plays a big role to the portrayal of
the intended message by the author. Character can also be minor. These
appear few times or very scarcely in a work of art. They assist the main
character in accomplishing some message to the reader(s).
Language, diction: Refers to the choice and arrangement of words in
a literary work .We examine whether the language used is simple , complex,
mixed, grammatical, or ungrammatical , normal ,or figurative language.
A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning other than the
literal meaning.
A figure of speech is a rhetorical device that achieves a special effect by
using words in a distinctive way. Figures can help our readers understand
and stay interested in what we have to say.
There are many different types of figures of speech in the English language.
These are some of the most commonly used.
Personification is a figure of speech in which a thing – an idea or an animal –
is given human attributes. The non-human objects are portrayed in such a
way that we feel they have the ability to act like human beings. For example,
when we say, ―The sky weeps,‖ we are giving the sky the ability to cry, which
is a human quality. Thus, we can say that the sky has been personified in the
given sentence.
Common Examples
The wind whispered through dry grass.
The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.
The fire swallowed the entire forest.
The shadow of the moon danced on the lake.
The flowers were blooming, and the bees kissed them every now and
The skyscraper was so tall that it seemed to kiss the sky.
The ship danced over the undulating waves of the ocean.
When he sat the test, the words and the ideas fled from his mind.
Alliteration is derived from Latin‘s ―Latira‖. It means ―letters of alphabet‖. It is a
stylistic device in which a number of words, having the same first consonant
sound, occur close together in a series.
Consider the following examples:
But a better butter makes a batter better.
A big bully beats a baby boy.
Both sentences are alliterative because the same first letter of words (B)
occurs close together and produces alliteration in the sentence.
An important point to remember here is that alliteration does not depend
on letters but on sounds. So the phrase not knotty is alliterative, but cigarette
chase is not.
―The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
The furrow followed free;
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.‖
In the above lines we see alliteration (―b‖, ―f‖ and ―s‖) in the phrases ―breeze
blew‖, ―foam flew‖, ―furrow followed‖, and ―silent sea‖.
Archaism is the derivative of a Greek word, archaïkós, which means
beginning or ancient. It is a figure of speech in which a used phrase or word
is considered very old fashioned and outdated.. It is the use of older versions
of language and art. Such as in these lines, ―To thine own self be true‖
(Hamlet by William Shakespeare). Sentences that may be considered as
examples of archaism will most probably contain the words ―thine‖ and ―thou‖.
Evolution of Archaism
The English language which Shakespeare has written and spoken is very
different from the English which is used today. The use of archaic language
were found in the literary works of ancient medieval ages, as well as in the
Victorian, Edwardian, 19th and 20th centuries.
Examples of Archaism from Literature
Archaism examples are found in the masterpieces of Shakespeare, S.T.
Coleridge, Hemingway, and Keats.
It is an ancient Mariner,
And he stoppeth one of three.
‗By thy long grey beard and glittering eye,
Now wherefore stopp‘st thou me?
He holds him with his skinny hand,
‗There was a ship,‘ quoth he.
‗Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!‘
Eftsoons his hand dropthe
‗I fear thy skinny hand!….
I fear thee and thy glittering eye,
And thy skinny hand, so brown.‘—
Fear not, fear not, thou Wedding-Guest!
This body dropt not down…
Assonance takes place when two or more words, close to one another repeat
the same vowel sound, but start with different consonant sounds.
For instance, in the following sentence:
―Men sell the wedding bells.‖
The same vowel sound of the short vowel ―-e-‖ repeats itself in almost all the
words, excluding the definite article.
Common Assonance Examples
We light fire on the mountain.
I feel depressed and wrestle
Go and mow the lawn.
Johnny went here and there and everywhere
The engineer held the steering to steer the vehicle.
Consonance refers to repetitive sounds produced by consonants within a
sentence or phrase.
For instance, the words chuckle, fickle, and kick are consonant with the
same consonant „ck „
Hyperbole, derived from a Greek word meaning ―over-casting,‖ is a figure of
speech that involves an exaggeration of ideas for the sake of emphasis.
Therefore, a hyperbole is an unreal exaggeration to emphasize the real
Common Examples of Hyperbole
My grandmother is as old as the hills.
She is as heavy as an elephant!
I am trying to solve a million issues these days.
I will love you dear until China and Africa meet.
The blacksmith‘s hand was harder than the rock.
His classmates laughed at him, saying he had a pea-sized brain.
Metaphor is a figure of speech that makes comparison between two things
that are unrelated, but which share some common characteristics without
using conjunctions e.g. like, as etc
Examples of Metaphors
My brother was boiling mad. (This implies he was too angry.)
The assignment was a breeze. (This implies that the assignment
was not difficult.)
Her voice is music to his ears. (This implies that her voice makes
him feel happy)
Maria is an angel of Mwanza.
Melina‘s face is a map of Africa.
A simile is a figure of speech that makes comparison between two things that
are unrelated, but which share some common characteristics by using
conjunctions e.g. like, as etc
Common Examples of Simile
Our soldiers are as brave as lions.
He is as funny as a monkey.
The water well was as dry as a bone.
At exam time, the high school student was as busy as a bee.
The beggar on the road looked as blind as a bat.
The diplomat said the friendship of the two countries was as deep as
an ocean.
The audience listened to his spellbinding speech as quietly as mice.
The history paper was as tricky as a labyrinth.
The boys in the playing field were feeling as happy as dogs with two
The term euphemism refers to polite, indirect expressions which replace
words and phrases considered harsh and impolite or which suggest
something unpleasant.
For example, ―kick the bucket‖ is a euphemism that describes the death of a
Examples in Everyday Life
You are becoming a little thin on top (bald).
Our teacher is in the family way (pregnant).
He is always economical in truth (liar).
We do not hire mentally challenged (stupid) people.
He is a special child (disabled or retarded).
Sarcasm is derived from French word sarcasmor and also from a Greek
word sarkazein that means ―tear flesh‖ or ―grind the teeth‖. Somehow, in
simple words it means to speak bitterly.
Sarcasm is a literary and rhetorical device that is meant to mock with often
satirical or ironic remarks with a purpose to amuse and hurt someone. It gives
the meaning which is different from what the speaker intends to say.
For instance:
―I didn‘t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of
it.‖ (Mark Twain)
―Friends, countrymen, lend me your ears.‖
(Julius Caesar by Shakespeare)
Satire is a technique employed by writers to expose and criticize foolishness
and corruption of an individual or a society by
using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule. It intends to improve their
characters by overcoming their weaknesses.
Examples of Satire in Everyday Life
Most political cartoons which we witness every day in newspapers and
magazines are examples of satire. These cartoons criticize some recent
actions of political figures in a comical way.
Some shows on television are satire examples like The Daily Show, The
Colbert Report, and The Larry Sanders Show. These shows claim to target
what they think are stupid political and social viewpoints.
Let us see a sample of Stephen Colbert‘s social satire:
―If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn‘t help the poor, either we
have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we‘ve got to
acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy
without condition and then admit that we just don‘t want to do it.‖
Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their
intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words.. In
simple words, it is a difference between appearance and reality.
Types of Irony
On the grounds of the above definition, we distinguish two basic types of
irony: (1) verbal irony, and (2) situational irony.
Verbal irony involves what one does not mean. For example, when in
response to a foolish idea, we say, ―What a great idea!‖ This is verbal irony.
Situational irony occurs when, for instance, a man is chuckling at the
misfortune of another, even when the same misfortune is, unbeknownst to
him, befalling him.
Common Examples of Irony
Let us analyze some interesting examples of irony from our daily life:
You laugh at a person who slipped stepping on a banana peel, and the
next thing you know, you‘ve slipped too.
―Oh great! Now you have broken my new camera.‖
Short Examples of Verbal Irony
The doctor is as kind hearted as a wolf.
His friend‘s hand was as soft as a rock.
The student was given ‗excellent‘ on getting zero in the exam.
He enjoyed his job about as much as a root canal.
A vehicle was parked right in front of the no-parking sign.
The CEO of a big tobacco company said he did not smoke.
Synecdoche is when a part represents the whole or the whole is represented
by a part. Examples are:
Wheels - a car
The police - one policeman
Coke - any cola drink
Army - a soldier
Content: Refers to the main subject of a literary work presented in a written
or spoken form. It also refers to what is being conveyed in a speech, an
article or a certain program. Content includes the following elements:
Themes, message, conflicts, climax, crisis and philosophy.
Theme: This refers to the major idea or subject contained in a work of
art. It is represented through persons, actions, or concepts in a literary work.
It may also refer to the major topic obscured and reflected or describe in the
book. In Africa literature the main themes are such as corruption, position and
role of women, irresponsibility, betrayal and African traditional, belief, poverty.
Other minor themes can be alienation, protest, oppression, and humiliation,
sacrifice, class struggle.
Message: This refers to the lesson we get after reading a work of art. .
Example; is the play ‗This Time Tomorrow‘ we learn that, unity and solidarity
is important for the liberation of the oppressed and humiliated society.
Conflict: This refers to the clash or opposition between one idea,
thought or feeling and another, one person and another or conflict within an
individual person. Conflict can be because of economic conflict, social
conflict, political, personal or philosophical conflict between one idea and
feelings and another.
Climax: This is a stage in which conflict reaches the higher point where
resolution is inevitable or necessary.
Crisis: This is a point where conflict rises and causes some problems
to the person or people involved and therefore, resolution is necessary. There
may be different crisis each proceed the climax.
Philosophy: Refers to the belief or outlook of the author which he/she
expresses in the book/story.
General Themes of Literature
Literature is not written in a vacuum, it emanates from a society to reflect its
social, political, economic, as well as cultural aspects. Therefore, literature
has a direct connection to human life and thus, it cannot be separated from
human beings. The following are some of the important roles and functions of
Literature criticizes societies. Authors of a literary work criticize society
by revealing corruption, oppression, and humiliation, and inequality.
Literature expresses people‘s culture. This includes norms, values,
traditional, and, practices so that people can follow them. It can also makes
people abandon some bad cultural practiced such as female genital
mutilation (FGM) for positive changes.
Literature educates people: it educates people about day to day
happenings or events in their society. It widens their mind and thinking
Literature entertains people; people enjoy by watching and reading
different works which appeal to their state of mind.
Literature is a tool of liberation. It makes people know the presence of
exploitation, irresponsibility, it direct people to struggle for mental and
physical liberation against these problems.
Literature develops language because language is a tool or medium of
communication in literature.
POETRY: is a genre of literature which expresses the feelings, ideas, and
emotions of the reader(s) or hearer(s). The language used in poetry is
characterized by imagery and rhythmical sounds.
Terms related to poetry
Poem: This is a piece of writing in a verse form which expresses the
deep feelings using artistic language.
Persona: This refers to a character in a poem.
Poet/poetess: This refers to a man or woman who composes an oral
or written poem.
Verse: This is a simple line in a poem.
Stanza: Is a combination or collection of verses to make a complete
idea of a poem.
How poetry differs from other genres of literature?
The genre of poetry differs from other genres of literature like prose in the
following aspects:
1. Poetry uses much imagery which appeals to the sense of touch,
hearing, small and taste in a more concentrated way than prose.
2. Poetry is arranged in verse which forms stanzas to make a poem
as whole while prose is written in sentences and paragraphs.
3. Poetry employs the use of much musical features such as rhyme
and rhythm unlike to novels and Short stories which words are intended
to be read silently not loud or sung or recited.
4. Poetry employs language economy. Few words convey such
information. This is because even single word in poetry may hear a
number of messages.
5. Poetry uses many figures of speech such as simile metaphor
personification etc. than other Prose.
6. The character in a poem is called persona but in novel and play a
character does not possess a name.
Written by Seleman M. Kajana
CONTACT 0766495166
![Three suitors: one husband : [and] Until further notice ...]()
The title of the play is “Three Suitors One Husband”. Tracing through the play we find
that it has a close connection with the content of the play. The following are the three suitors and one husband from “Three suitors One Husband”;
I. The first suitor is Ndi, a young hardworking farmer from Awae who proposes to marry
Juliette and pays the sum of 100,000/= francs. Unfortunately for him he does not succeed to marry Juliette. As the second suitor overpower him.
II. The second suitor is Mbia, a rich civil servant from Sangmelima who proposes to
Marry Juliette and pays the sum of 200,000/= francs plus a lot of things that he has to bring along on top of the bride price to have the marriage settled. He too does not succeed to marry Juliette.
III. The third suitor is Tchetgen, a rich trader/businessman from Bamileke who pays the
Maximum of 200,000/= francs for Juliette. He does not succeed to marry Juliette since the family wants him to pay 300,000/=francs. He is not interested and moves away.
IV. The husband is Oko a young educated man from Ambam who succeeds to marry
Juliette after paying the required amount 300,000/= francs at once. He manages to pay the money after being assisted by Juliette who steals the money her father received from the previous suitors and the two get married legally.
The title of the play is “Three Suitors One Husband”. Tracing through the play we find
that it has a close connection with the content of the play. The following are the three suitors and one husband from “Three suitors One Husband”;
I. The first suitor is Ndi, a young hardworking farmer from Awae who proposes to marry
Juliette and pays the sum of 100,000/= francs. Unfortunately for him he does not succeed to marry Juliette. As the second suitor overpower him.
II. The second suitor is Mbia, a rich civil servant from Sangmelima who proposes to
Marry Juliette and pays the sum of 200,000/= francs plus a lot of things that he has to bring along on top of the bride price to have the marriage settled. He too does not succeed to marry Juliette.
III. The third suitor is Tchetgen, a rich trader/businessman from Bamileke who pays the
Maximum of 200,000/= francs for Juliette. He does not succeed to marry Juliette since the family wants him to pay 300,000/=francs. He is not interested and moves away.
IV. The husband is Oko a young educated man from Ambam who succeeds to marry
Juliette after paying the required amount 300,000/= francs at once. He manages to pay the money after being assisted by Juliette who steals the money her father received from the previous suitors and the two get married legally.
i). SIDI.
-The Village Belle
-A School teacher
iii). BAROKA.
-The ‘Bale’ of Ilujinle
iv). SADIKU.
-Baroka’s head wife
iv). AILATU.
-Baroka’s favourite
-Village girls
-A Wrestler
-A Surveyor
-School boys etc.
Story Structure
This text has arranged its events in chronological order. The playwright has divided this play into three parts being MORNING, NOON and NIGHT.
To begin with MORNING the playwright introduces a text by portraying at a Schoolmaster named LAKUNLE who is shown in the classroom with his students teaching. Shortly, it is portrayed on a Village Belle named SIDI who is shown passing at school making a teacher leave a class and follow her.
Also, this part introduces an expository part as LAKUNLE is portrayed asking a hand of marriage from SIDI but they are in disagreement on the issue of paying the bride price.
Moreover, this part introduces some girls who join hands to LAKUNLE’s and SIDI’s conversation being followed with a traditional dance on the lost traveler. This part ends by the arrival of BAROKA the village Bale who accuses LAKUNLE of stealing a village maidenhead even though he didn’t go.
Furthermore, by realizing the contribution brought by a schoolmaster especially in telling where the society goes wrong. Also, this part builds suspense by portraying BAROKA being in strong desire of marrying another wife as some five full five months has passed since he married.
At NOON, the playwright portrays on SIDI being with LAKUNLE on the way from fetching firewood then they meet with SADIKU who is BAROKA’s eldest wife being sent by BAROKA to ask a hand for marriage as his last wife. The part reveals LAKUNLE’s sadness after hearing the news; however SIDI tells SADIKU that she won’t marry BAROKA. The part goes on depicting BAROKA’s reply after SIDI’s protest on his hand of being a last wife as he makes a trick by laying SADIKU that he is impotent.
At the NIGHT part portrays on SADIKU’s emancipation as she is happy from her husband’s impotence. The part reveals SADIKU singing a song of victory and sharing the story with SIDI the thing which reveals ignorance as SIDI goes to attend at BAROKA’s supper with an intent to mock him unfortunately BAROKA becomes brave and ruins SIDI by having sex with her and destroying her virginity the thing which hurt her a s she realizes it was a trick to traps her. At last this part portrays on illusion as SIDI is married by BAROKA and not LAKUNLE adhering to the custom of marrying a first man who met such a lady.
To sum up a plot of this play, the playwright has began an exposition part by naming it as MORNING where a schoolmaster named LAKUNLE is portrayed teaching; with no time a beautiful girl named SIDI passes the school compound the thing which attracts a schoolmaster, making him leave a class following the girl to ask a hand of marriage.
Rising action begins when LAKUNLE and SIDI are portrayed in disagreement on the issue of paying bride price, being followed with the coming of GIRLS where singing and dancing are portrayed ending by LAKUNLE being accused by a chief BAROKA of stealing a village maidenhead.
Climax is portrayed at a part named NOON, where BAROKA is revealed sending his eldest wife named SADIKU to seduce SIDI marry him as a last wife. This thing made LAKUNLE sad but SIDI opposes the chief’s idea by portraying that BAROKA is older than her. This part ends when SADIKU informs the chief on SIDI’s refusal at his order, the thing which made BAROKA plan a trick of importance in order to trap SIDI.
Falling action comes at a part named NIGHT where SADIKU is portrayed singing, celebrating on women’s emancipation and victory over men’s oppression as chief has became impotent. This makes SIDI attend at chief’s supper as a way of mocking him.
SIDI’s attendance at Chief’s supper leads to a last part of resolution as SIDI is portrayed being deceived by a chief, making sex with him the practice which made her loose her virginity. This event builds an illusion as SIDI had to marry the chief instead of LAKUNLE a schoolmaster.
HOUSEBOY is a novel that tells about Toundi, an African boy who
finds himself working for the French priests when he escapes the
brutality of his father. Toundi works for father Gilbert whom he used to
love, but when his boss died, he was taken by the Commandant who
employed him as the houseboy. Toundi’s life was not so much good
with the commandant and especially after the arrival of the wife of
Commandant, Madame.
The title of the novel is derived from one of the character known as
Toundi who is the houseboy of the whitemen like Father Gilbert. In his
servantship as the houseboy, he is brainwashed to believe that his culture
is nothing and hence abandons his culture. He changes his name in what
is so called baptism and take the name of Joseph. The houseboy
symbolizes the exploited and colonized Africans who lose their identity.
The novel is a historical one, showing the life of people of Cameroon
during colonialism. It shows how they suffered.
Therefore, the title relates much to what is contained in the novel. The
title is relevant.
The novel was written in form of the diary written by the main
character namely Toundi before his death.
Father Gilbert is the one who taught Toundi how to read and
Father Gilbert gave Toundi a spiritual education which made him a Catholic Follower
Madame (the wife of the Commandant) was unfaithful to her
marriage. She betrays her husband by sleeping with the Prison
The novel shows the African sufferings under French colonial
rule. People are harshly beaten without reasons. Example
Moreau is cruel and a racist man, he beats Africans to death.
When Toundi knows about Madame’s extra marital affairs,
Madame accuses Toundi of theft while Toundi is innocent.
Toundi is beaten violently by Moreau and by Mendim. He is
later sent to hospital where he later escapes and goes to his home
where he dies due to injuries he gets from Moreau in prison.
Toundi dies trying to question about his identity, he says” What
are we black men who are called French?’.
The novel shows how African people suffered under colonialism.
Whites especially the French in Cameroon torture the natives and
subject them under harsh conditions.
In this novel, Father Gilbert, Commandant, Madame, and Moreau torture
and exploit the native Africans like Toundi and Sophie.
Father Gilbert gives Toundi old clothes as payments for serving
him. This is humiliation.
Moreau beats, torture and injures Toundi when he knows that the
boy knows their extra marital affairs with Madame.
The death of Toundi is also caused by beating of
Ferdinand wants to show us how colonialism was most evil.
The novel shows the link between colonialism and the early Christianity
in Africa. The novel shows that colonialists used Christianity to
brainwash the Africans. Catholic church has been used to convert
Africans and make them believe that whites are good people although
they were not. And that their culture was superior while it was not.
Catholic was portrayed as a means of colonization, it was bad.
Father Gilbert, a catholic leader humiliates Toundi, so he is amoral.
Father Vandameyer is abusive, characteristics like Martin are drunkard
so they pollute the church and make it unworthy.
The novelist shows that life in Cameroon is changing and becoming
more modern due to intrusion of colonialism. New ways of life are
introduced by the whites (The French). Below are the new ways
Christianity is a new and modern life in Cameroon. Example
Toundi is converted and baptized as Joseph.
Schools are built in Dangan
Foreign language especially French is used by the natives, so it is
a modern life.
European entertainments like clubs are also introduced in
Cameroon for Europeans.
Colonial leadership is also new in Cameroon. The Commandant
is the head of leaders.
Condoms are also indicators of modernity. Condoms were used
by Madame and the prison Warden.
Hospitals were also built by the whites.
This means moral pollution or lack of morals.
The novel shows that there is moral pollution in our communities. Moral
decay can be evidenced in the following aspects: -
There is unfaithfulness and promiscuity in our societies. Example
Madame has extra marital affairs with The Prisoner Warden.
Kalisia used to be a prostitute at the coast.
Toundi betrays his traditions by running away from his home one
day before his initiation ceremony.
Toundi’s father uses abusive language to insult Toundi when he
wants to instruct him something.
In our societies, moral decay can be evidenced, there are people
betraying others, there is infidelity in marriage and prostitution, so the theme is relevant
This refers to misunderstanding between or among people. Also there
can be a conflict in oneself called intra personal conflict. Below are
conflicts depicted in this novel.
Conflict between whites and African natives.
REASON: Exploitation done by the whites to Africans.
Conflict between Toundi and his father.
REASON: Toundi’s fight with Tinati over a lump of sugar angered his
Another reason is Toundi’s father brutality, he beats Toundi too much
till Toundi decides to run away.
Conflict between Madame and her husband (the Commandant).
REASON: Unfaithfulness of Madame, she sleeps with another man.
Conflict between Sophie and Agricultural engineer.
REASON: Maltreatment. The engineer maltreats Sophie, so Sophie is
angry and decides to steal engineer’s money and clothes.
Conflict between Toundi and Tinati.
REASON: The fight over a lump of sugar given to them by the whites.
Generally, it is better to solve conflicts wisely so as to avoid big harms
that can arise. In our communities, conflicts are happening every day but
it is necessary to handle them with care.
This refers to going against social morals or mutual agreement. The
novelist has shown that in our societies there are people who betray
others. According to the novelist, betrayal is not good. Below are
betrayals shown in this novel.
Toundi betrays his father and his traditions by running away
from his home one day before initiation.
Father Vandameyer betrays his faith by maltreating the Africans
especially Toundi.
Madame betrays her husband (The Commandant) by sleeping with the prisoner Director
Identity refers to the sense of who one is.
As an African, one must follow African culture but when he or she
follows Western culture and undervalue his, he or she can be considered
to have lost his identity. African people especially women who changes
their faces to look like whitemen by using cosmetics, they can be
considered to have lost their identity.
In his death bed, Toundi asks a rhetorical question about his or their
identity as Africans. He says, “What are we black men who are called
French?”. Through this question we learn that the colonized people of
Cameroon have lost their identity to the extent that they don’t know who
they are. The people of Cameroon has changed their life styles due to
being brainwashed by the whites. They think like whites, they speak
French language instead of their traditional languages, they worship in
churches instead of worshipping their traditional gods.
The novelist therefore wants the Africans to become aware of
themselves and protect their identity.
1.Colonialism is an evil system, exploitative and humiliative.
2.Some religious leaders are hypocrites; they preach what they don’t
practice. Eg is Father Vandameyer.
3.Betrayal, exploitation and humiliation are hindrances to development.
4.Africans must be proud of who they are. They should not undermine
their status and think that they are inferior.
He is the protagonist or main character in the novel.
He is the young man who come into conflict with his father, as a
result he runs away from his home and goes to live with Father Gilbert
He is the houseboy. The title of the novel is derived from his
work or Servantship.
He is given the name JOSEPH the French. He was baptized and
became Christian followers. His name Joseph shows how he
loses his identity.
He is brainwashed to believe that whites are good and superior
while they were exploiting him.
After father Gilbert’s death, he becomes the houseboy of the
He represents the exploited or colonized Africans
He also reflects or represents child labour. He started working for
father Gilbert when he was a child.
He is the priest.
He takes Toundi and live with him
He teaches Toundi how to read, write and keep a diary.
He seems kind to Toundi although he humiliates him by giving
him only old clothes.
He dies of accident.
He symbolizes colonizers.
He is also the priest.
He is a hypocrite religious leader who teaches love but he
himself has no love.
He is the racist, exploiter and oppressor.
He maltreats Toundi.
He also symbolizes colonialism, oppression and humiliation.
He is the chief European leader in Dangan.
He is brutal as he is seen torturing Africans.
At first he loves Toundi but when his marriage gets in trouble, he hates him
Wife of the Commandant.
Very beautiful
She betrays the commandant by sleeping with another man, The
Prisoner Warden.
She represents the weakness of the whites. (being amoral).
She is the young African girl.
She is the mistress or girlfriend of Agricultural engineer (the
white) who doesn’t want the relationship known by other people
especially whites.
She is humiliated by the engineer because he uses her as a tool
for pleasure.
She later on becomes conscious and hates the whites.
Although colonialism is no more, yet the novel is relevant because many
other issues like betrayal, conflict, exploitation, humiliation and
hypocrisy of religious leaders are still prevalent in our societies. In our
communities too we still have houseboys who are maltreated by their
masters. All in all, the novel is relevant.
Original PDF sponsored by
Mwalim Kigungaz Ak
Contacts: +255 629 081 566
Original PDF sponsored by
Mwalim Kigungaz Ak
Contacts: +255 629 081 566
The Old Man and the Medal (Le vieux nègre et la médaille) is a 1956 post colonial novel by Cameroonian diplomat and writer Ferdinand Oyono.[1] The novel was translated into English and republished in 1967 in the influential Heinemann African Writers Series.
When reflecting on the novel, in Oyono's obituary, The Guardian writer Shola Adenekan described the novel as "evoking the deep sense of disillusionment felt by those Africans who were committed to the west, yet rejected by their colonial masters."[2](Source Google.comWIKIPEDIA)